Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Here is what I know:

- I am responsible for my own life
- I make my own choices based on various factors, many of which have to do with goals, morals, well-being, and an overall responsibility to live the best way I know how.
- I am loved by a few if not several fellow human beings, some of which are family.
- Those loving human beings tend to have an opinion and sometimes a say in some of my choices, therefore my future.
- There is no human who knows best.
- God knows best.
- I can only know God's best by acquiring information about who He is.
- The Bible lends itself to my inquiring mind and search for God facts.
- If a fellow human suggests I delve deeper into something(s) that contradicts advice from this helpful reading material, the Bible, I am forced to make a choice.
- I decide to follow the One who knows me, knows humans, knows the now, knows the later, knows best. The One who is perfection, is love, is grace, is forgiveness, is gentleness, is faithfulness, is looking out for me 24-7.

This reasoning has nothing to do with religion, or even faith...more just reason and common sense. So many question Why? And I say, why not? I don't think I'm naive, I think I am intelligent enough to avoid the world's traps and schemes, in order to survive to the best of my ability. I choose physical, mental, and spiritual health. That's important to me.

Don't let anyone convince you that your lifestyle isn't how it ought to be, if you know you are seeking the truth above everything else. If you're holding close to the Word of Life you are holding onto Truth.


Smashcan said...

Wow thats good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Preach it, sister! Haha. I love how you made the distinction between following religions, traditions, and human established institutions from following the Bible. Your solid belief in the Word of God is admirable.

Anonymous said...

to throw something in the mix, my students ask me this, so i'll ask you: but why do you choose the Bible to be Truth? the Qu'ran and Granth Sahib and other "holy books" also claim themselves to be truth.. why not them?? why do you believe in God and not in god?

the best argument that i find against this kind of reasoning, religious or otherwise, is that if you use the Bible = truth as a presupposition, then how is it valid? would you reach the same conclusion if you base on the Qu'ran/etc?

..something to consider. ; )


p.s. note, i'm not asking "why Christianity" i'm saying, will you get the same outcome from any other starting point? multiple reasoning

Anonymous said...

by "...against this kind of argument..." i meant "...against the kind of argument you make here..." not my own argument ; p
